Missions and Ministry Opportunities
The congregation of East Sylva Baptist ...
…was founded as a church dedicated to the service of evangelization of the world for Christ. The church is involved in many ministries and mission opportunities each year to demonstrate this commitment…
Small Group Bible Study
Each Sunday morning at 9:45 the church offers a variety of Sunday School or small group Bible studies. Classes are held for all ages including men, women, couples, young adults, youth, children, and a nursery. The church encourages everyone to become involved with one of these groups to help you grow in your spiritual journey and connect with other believers.
Sunday nights also offer small group opportunities. The young ladies have a Bible Journaling class and the young men have a group that plan and offer mission oriented projects. Periodically, other Bible study groups are led by church members throughout the week usually in the evening.

Music Ministry
Special singing services are held on occasion in the church sanctuary. East Sylva invites other church choirs for joint services in addition to hosting groups such as the Inspirations and Imperials.
The Scriptures compel us…to “sing praises to God” and to share together the “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” of the church. Through music, we unite our spirits and our minds in acts of worship, celebration, thanksgiving, confession, witness, and proclamation. Whether as a member of the choir or as a part of the congregation, we are all called to “make a joyful sound to the Lord.” We encourage all to come as we join our hearts and voices in worship each Sunday and embody the unity of spirit and purpose to which Christ has called us. There are no auditions or forms. To join our choir all you have to do is sing!

Youth and Children
East Sylva Baptist Church offers great programs for our children & youth! Programs and activities include Sunday night Bible Study, Children’s Choir, Vacation Bible School, Summer Day Camps, Trunk or Treat, Easter Egg Hunt, and other ministry opportunities.
We have Sunday School classes for all our children and youth. Sunday School begins at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday morning.
East Sylva Baptist Church is currently looking for a Director or Minister of Children and Youth. The ideal candidate for this role should have a strong foundation in the Christian faith, be a faithful follower of Jesus, educated in the area of his call, and have a passion for children and youth.
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume with a list of at least two professional references to haskett.emily@gmail.com with ESBC Children/Youth Posting as the subject line, or mail to the church: East Sylva Baptist Church, 61 Faith Ave, Sylva, NC, 28779.
College Student Ministry
Happy Friends
Happy Friends meet monthly for fellowship meals, shopping trips, and parties. This past year, the Happy Friends went on trips to Pigeon Forge, TN, Asheville, NC, and Dillard, GA. This group is open to men and women who are 50 years old or older. Members of “Happy Friends” do not have to be a church member to join.