Other Ministries

Deacon Family Ministry

The deacons of ESBC serve in accordance with the meaning of the work and practice of the New Testament.  The deacons serve with the pastor and staff in performing ministries such as: visiting and caring for the church members and other persons in the community; leading the church in achievement of its missions through a personal example of Christian living, education, and training; and offering encouragement toward unity within the fellowship of the church.  Our deacons are people called to an ever-deepening quest for God and service to neighbor.


The ladies of WMU lead the congregation in many different ministry projects each year such as Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse, Heifer International, Jackson County Christmas Store, Jackson County Department on Aging, United Christian Ministry, Jackson County Pregnancy Counseling Center, School Teacher Supplies Collection, North Carolina Baptist Children’s Home, North Carolina Baptist Hospital, Baptist Retirement Homes, and CBF Offering for Global Missions.


During the month of March our WMU will be emphasizing the good work that our NC Baptist Disaster Relief Team provides to people who have experienced tornadoes and other disasters in their communities. Members are asked to consider a donation to assist this important ministry. Special envelopes are available on the bulletin board in the hallway.

Radio Ministry

East Sylva has broadcast their services on Sylva’s local radio station WRGC since the 1970’s. The church began this ministry by broadcasting live each Sunday night service. WRGC currently rebroadcasts the Sunday morning worship service at 6:00 pm on Sunday evening. WRGC radio station broadcasts live on 570 AM or 105.7 FM.


G.R.O.W. Outreach

G.R.O.W. Outreach (GROWING and REACHING OTHERS by WITNESSING) is one of the ways in which ESBC tries to reach out to church and community members.

 There are a number of ways to become a part of G.R.O.W. Outreach: phone calls, visits, writing letters and cards and preparing care packages for college students and senior citizens.

 Additional information can be attained by calling the church office at 586-2853.


Bible verse of the day

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

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The church offers opportunities for members to fellowship through various activities and sporting events. The church participates in basketball, volleyball, and softball leagues through the Jackson County Recreation and Parks Department.

Each Saturday before Homecoming Sunday in August the church holds its annual golf tournament which has become an event that is enjoyed by the young inexperienced golfers as well as the church golf pros.

Recently the church members completed construction on a church pavilion which is located behind the church fellowship hall. The facility was dedicated in October 2013 and hosted the church’s first corn hole tournament, which promises to become an annual event.


61 Faith Avenue
Sylva, NC 28779

PHONE: 828.586-2853
E-MAIL: info@eastsylvabaptist.org

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